Class 7

  1. Rational numbers

    1. Rational numbers on number line I

    2. Rational numbers on number line II

    3. Rational number between rational numbers I

    4. Rational number between rational numbers II

    5. Addition of rational numbers I

    6. Addition of rational numbers II

    7. Subtraction of rational numbers I

    8. Subtraction of rational numbers II

    9. Multiplication of rational numbers

    10. Division of rational numbers I

    11. Division of rational numbers II

    12. Division of rational numbers III

  2. Perimeter and area

    1. Perimeter and area of square I

    2. Perimeter and area of square II

    3. Perimeter and area of square III

    4. Perimeter and area of rectangle

    5. Perimeter and area of rectangle II

    6. Perimeter and area of rectangle III

    7. Perimeter of a triangle

    8. Area of a triangle

    9. Area of a triangle II

    10. Area of a triangle III

    11. Area of combination shapes

    12. Area of combination shapes II

    13. Perimeter of a parallelogram

    14. Angles of a parallelogram

    15. Sides of a parallelogram

    16. Area of circle

    17. Radius and diameter of a circle using area

    18. Word problems - area of a circle

    19. Circumference of a circle

    20. Radius and diameter of a circle using perimeter

    21. Radius and diameter of a circle using perimeter II

    22. Area of circular pathways

    23. Area of circular pathways II

    24. Total cost - area of pathways

    25. Radius and diameter - area of pathways

  3. Lines and angles

    1. Linear pair

    2. Complementary and suplementary angles

    3. Adjacent angles

    4. Unknown angles

    5. Adjacent angle - striaght line

    6. Adjacent angle - intersecting lines

    7. Transversal lines I

    8. Transversal lines II

    9. Transversal lines III

    10. Parallel lines I

    11. Parallel lines II

    12. Parallel lines III

  4. Exponents and powers

    1. Exponents and powers I

    2. Exponents and powers II

    3. Exponents and powers III

    4. Exponents and powers IV

    5. Exponents and powers V

    6. Exponents and powers VI

    7. Exponents and powers VII

    8. Exponents and powers VIII

  5. Simple equations

    1. Linear equation

    2. Solve the linear equation I

    3. Solve the linear equations II

    4. Solve the linear equation III

    5. Find the unknown number I

    6. Find the unknown number II

    7. Word Problems I

    8. Word Problems II

  6. Triangle and its properties

    1. Median of a triangle I

    2. Median of a triangle II

    3. Median of a triangle III

    4. Median of a triangle IV

    5. Altitude of a triangle I

    6. Altitude of a triangle II

    7. Altitude of a triangle III

    8. Altitude of a triangle IV

    9. Exterior angles of a triangle I

    10. Exterior angles of a triangle II

    11. Exterior angles of a triangle III

    12. Apply angle sum property of a triangle I

    13. Apply angle sum property of a triangle II

    14. Apply angle sum property of a triangle III

    15. Apply angle sum property of a triangle IV

    16. Special triangles I

    17. Special triangles II

    18. Special triangles III

    19. Special triangles IV

    20. Special triangles V

    21. Sides of a triangle I

    22. Sides of a triangle II

    23. Sides of a triangle III

  7. Algebraic expressions

    1. Algebraic expressions

    2. Algebraic exressions II

    3. Monomials I

    4. Monomials II

    5. Terms of an allgebraic expression

    6. Value of an algebraic expression I

    7. Value of an algebraic expressions II

    8. Binomials I

    9. Binomials II

    10. Trinomials

    11. Polynomials

    12. Addition of algebraic exoressions I

    13. Addition of algebraic expressions II

    14. Addition of algebraic expressions III

    15. Addition of algebraic expression IV

    16. Subtraction of algebraic expressions I

    17. Simplify

    18. Solve the algebraic expression

    19. Multiplication of algebraic expressions I

    20. Multiplication of algebraic expressions II

  8. Comparing quantities

    1. Ratio I

    2. Ratio II

    3. Ratio III

    4. Ratio IV

    5. Percentage - Conversion I

    6. Percentage - Conversion II

    7. Percentage I

    8. Percentage II

    9. Percentage III

    10. Percentage IV

    11. Percentage - Application problems I

    12. Percentage - Application problems II

    13. Calculate the Profit Percentage

    14. Calculate the profit percentage II

    15. Calculate the loss percentage

    16. Calculate the loss percentage II

    17. Simple interest I

    18. Simple interest II

    19. Simple interest III

    20. Simple interest IV

    21. Simple interest V

  9. Integers

    1. Addiiton on integers

    2. Subtraction on integers

    3. Multiplication on integers

    4. Dvision on integers

    5. Word Problems - Operations on integers

    6. Properties of integers I

    7. Properties of integers II

    8. Properties of integers III

    9. Solve using properties of integers I

    10. Solve using properties of integers II

  10. Fractions and decimals

    1. Fractions I

    2. Fractions II

    3. Fractions III

    4. Fractions IV

    5. Operation on fraction I

    6. Operation on fraction II

    7. Operation on fraction III

    8. Operation on fraction IV

    9. Decimal numbers I

    10. Decimal numbers II

    11. Decimal numbers III

    12. Decimal numbers IV

    13. Decimal numbers V

    14. Fraction and decimal I

    15. Fraction and decimal II

    16. Operation on decimal numbers I

    17. Operation on decimal numbers II

    18. Operation on decimal numbers III

    19. Operation on decimal numbers IV

    20. Operation on decimal numbers V

  11. Data handling

    1. Arithmetic mean I

    2. Arithmetic Mean II

    3. Arithmetic mean III

    4. Median I

    5. Median II

    6. Median III

    7. Mode I

    8. Mode II

    9. Mode III

    10. Bar graph I

    11. Bar graph II

    12. Sample Space

    13. Probability I

    14. Probability II

    15. Probability III

  12. Symmetry

    1. Symmetry I

    2. Symmetry II

    3. Symmetry III

    4. Symmetry IV

    5. Symmetry V

  13. Visulaizing solid shapes

    1. Name the shapes

    2. Dimension

    3. Solid shapes

Class 8

  1. Real numbers

    1. Properties of rational numbers I

    2. Properties of rational numbers II

    3. Properties of rational numbers III

    4. Properties of rational numbers IV

    5. Properties of rational numbers V

    6. Properties of rational numbers VI

    7. Properties of rational number VII

    8. Properties of rational numbers VIII

    9. Arrangement of rational numbers

    10. Word Problems

  2. Linear equation in one variable

    1. Cross multiplication method

    2. Variables on both sides method

    3. Solution of linear equation

    4. Solving linear equation I

    5. Solving linear equation II

    6. Solving linear equation III

    7. Word Problems

    8. Word Problems II

    9. Word Problems III

  3. Data handling

    1. Frequency Distribution

    2. Pie chart I

    3. Pie chart II

    4. Pie chart III

    5. Pie chart IV

    6. Pie chart V

    7. Pie chart VI

    8. Pie chart VII

    9. Pie chart VIII

    10. Probability

    11. Probability II

    12. Probability III

    13. Probability IV

    14. Probability V

    15. Probability VI

  4. Understanding Quadrilateral

    1. Polygon and its types I

    2. Polygon and its types II

    3. Properties of polygon I

    4. Properties of polygon II

    5. Properties of parallelogram

    6. Special type of parallelogram I

    7. Special type of parallelogram II

  5. Visualise the solid shapes

    1. Visualising solid shapes I

    2. Visualising solid shapes II

  6. Squares and square roots

    1. Square numbers

    2. Square numbers II

    3. Square numbers III

    4. Square numbers IV

    5. Square numbers V

    6. Word problems - Square niumbers

    7. Square root -Prime factorisation

    8. Square root - Long division

    9. Simplification on square roots

    10. Word problems - Square root I

    11. Word problems - Square root II

    12. Sruare root

  7. Cubes and cube roots

    1. Cube of a number I

    2. Cube of a number II

    3. Cube of a number III

    4. Cube of a number IV

    5. Cube of a number V

    6. Cube of a number VI

    7. Cube of a number VII

    8. Cube root of a number I

    9. Cube root of a number II

    10. Cube root of a number III

    11. Cube root of a number IV

    12. Cube root of a number V

    13. Cube root of a number VI

  8. Algebraic expression and its identity

    1. Algebraic expressions

    2. Addition of algebraic expression I

    3. Subtraction of algebraic expression

    4. Addiiton of algebraic expressions II

    5. Subtraction of algebraic expressions II

    6. Multiplication of algebraic expression I

    7. Multiplication of algebraic expression II

    8. Multiplication of algebraic expression III

    9. Multiplication of algebraic expressions IV

    10. Area and Volume

    11. Multiplication of algebraic expressions V

    12. Word Problems

    13. Algebraic identities I

    14. Algebraic identities II

    15. Algebraic identities III

  9. Comparing Quatities

    1. Ratios and percentages

    2. Ratios and percentages II

    3. Ratios and percentages III

    4. Ratios and percentages IV

    5. Profit and loss

    6. Discounts

    7. Discounts II

    8. GST &Tax

    9. Compound interest I

    10. Compound interest II

    11. Compound interest III

    12. Compound interest IV

    13. Compound interest V

  10. Direct and Inverse Proportions

    1. Number of terms

    2. Cost of the thinks

    3. Distance

    4. Find the number of days

    5. Find the numbers of terms

  11. Introduction to graphs

    1. Introduction to graphs

  12. Exponents and Powers

    1. Simplify I

    2. Simplify II

    3. Simplify III

    4. Simplify IV

    5. Simplify V

    6. Simplify VI

    7. Powers

    8. Standard Form I

    9. Standard Form II

    10. Standard Form III

    11. Standard Form IV

  13. Playing with Numbers

    1. Playing with Numbers

  14. Factorisation

    1. Monomial

    2. Binomial

    3. Factorisation by algebraic identities I

    4. Factorisation by algebraic identities II

    5. Factorisation I

    6. Factorisation II

    7. Factorisation III

    8. Greatest common factor

    9. Simplify using division of Algebraic Expressions I

    10. Simplify using division of Algebraic Expressions II

    11. Simplify using division of Algebraic Expressions III

    12. Simplify using division of Algebraic Expressions IV

  15. Mensuration

    1. Area of trapezium-I

    2. Area of trapezium-II

    3. Area of trapezium III

    4. Area of quadrilateral

    5. Area of quadrilateral II

    6. Area of quadrilateral III

    7. Area of quadrilateral IV

    8. Area of quadrilateral V

    9. Area of polygon

    10. Surface area of cuboid

    11. Surface area of cube

    12. Surface area of cylinder

    13. Volume of cuboid

    14. Volume of cube

    15. Volume of cylinder

Class 9

  1. Number System

    1. Finding rational numbers between two rational numbers

    2. Irraational number on number line

    3. Decimal Expansions

    4. Operations on real numbers

    5. Laws of Exponents for Real numbers

  2. Polynomial

    1. Polynomial in one variable

    2. Zeros of a polynomial

    3. Factorisation of a polynomial

    4. Algebraic Identities- Square Identity

    5. Algebraic Identities - Cubic polynomial

    6. Application Problems

  3. Coordinate Geometry

    1. Coordinate axes

    2. Quadrants

  4. Linear Equation in Two Variable

    1. Linear equation in two variables

    2. Solutions of linear equation in two variable

  5. Introduction to Euclid's Geometry

    1. Euclid's Geometry I

    2. Euclid's Geometry II

    3. Euclid's Geometry III

    4. Euclid's Geometry IV

  6. Lines and Angles

    1. Find the values

    2. Find the angle

    3. Lines and angles

    4. Lines and angles II

    5. Lines and angles III

    6. Lines and angles IV

  7. Triangles

    1. Triangle I

    2. Triangles II

    3. Triangles III

    4. Triangles IV

    5. Triangles V

  8. Quadrilaterals

    1. Determine the shape

    2. Quadrilaterals I

    3. Quadrilaterals II

    4. Find the angle

    5. Quadrialterals III

    6. Quadrilaterals IV

  9. Circle

    1. Circles I

    2. Circles II

    3. Find the angle I

    4. Find the angle II

    5. Cyclic Quadrilateral I

    6. Cyclic Quadrilateral II

    7. Cyclic Quadrilateral III

  10. Heron's Formula

    1. Find the area of the triangle using Heron's formula

    2. Find the area of equilateral triangle

    3. Find the cost

    4. Heron's Formula I

    5. Heron's Formula II

    6. Heron's Formula III

  11. Surface areas and volumes

    1. Surface area of right circular cylinder and cone

    2. Determine the value using the cylinder formula

    3. Find the cost using the cylinder formula

    4. Determine the value using the cone formula

    5. Find the cost using the cylinder formula

    6. Surface area of sphere and Hemisphere

    7. Sphere I

    8. Sphere II

    9. Hemisphere I

    10. Hemisphere II

    11. Volume of right circular cylinder and cone

    12. Volume of Cylinder I

    13. Volume of Cylinder II

    14. Volume of Cylinder III

    15. Volume of Cone I

    16. Volume of Cone II

    17. Volume of Sphere I

    18. Volume of Sphere II

    19. Volume of Hemisphere I

    20. Volume of Hemisphere II

    21. Volume of sphere and Hemisphere

  12. Statistics

    1. Representation of data

    2. Statistics

Class 10

  1. Real Numbers

    1. LCM and HCF I

    2. LCM and HCF II

    3. LCM and HCF III

    4. Relation between LCM and HCF

    5. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

    6. Case Study - LCM and HCF

    7. Assertion and reasoning - LCM and HCF

    8. LCM and HCF - Applications I

    9. LCM and HCF - Applications II

    10. Case Study - Rational and irrational numbers

    11. Assertion and reasoning - Rational and irrational numbers

    12. To prove irrational number

  2. Polynomials

    1. Zeroes of a polynomial

    2. Zeros of a polynomial II

    3. Number of zeros of a polynomial

    4. Find the unkown term using the concept of zeroes

    5. Find the value of the variable

    6. Degree

    7. Quadratic polynomial

    8. Sum and product of the zeros of a polynomial

    9. Relation between zeros and coefficient

    10. Verify the relationship

    11. Find the value of the expression

    12. Find the polynomial using sum and product of the roots

    13. Case Study Problems I

    14. Case Study Problems II

    15. Assertion and Reasoning

    16. Assertion and Reasoning II

  3. Pair of Linear Equation In Two Variables

    1. Verify the consistency and inconsistency of the system

    2. Determine the solution

    3. Pair of linear equations - Graph

    4. Frame the equation

    5. Find the value of the unkown term I

    6. Find the value of the unkown term II

    7. Substitution method

    8. Elimination method

    9. Solve the problems I

    10. Solve the problems II

    11. Solve the problems III

    12. Solve the problems IV

    13. Solve the problems V

    14. Case Study Problems I

    15. Case Study Problems II

    16. Assertion and reasoning I

    17. Assertion and reasoning I

  4. Quadratic Equations

    1. Form the equation

    2. Frame the quadratic equation

    3. Factorisation method

    4. Formula method

    5. Find the nature of the root

    6. Find the unkown value

    7. Find the roots

    8. Word Problems - Solution of quadratic equations I

    9. Word Problems - Solution of quadratic equations II

    10. Case Study Problems - Quadratic equations

    11. Case Study Problems - Solution of quadratic equation

    12. Case Study Problems - Nature of roots

    13. Assertion and Reasoning - Quadratic equation

    14. Assertion and reasoning - Solution of quadratic equation

    15. Assertion and reasoning - Nature of roots

  5. Arithmetic Progression

    1. Find the missing term

    2. nth term

    3. Number of terms

    4. Consecutive terms

    5. Case study

    6. To find n

    7. Sum of n terms

    8. nth term-II

  6. Coordinate geometry

    1. Distance

    2. To find the unkown values

    3. Find the name of polygon

    4. Collinearity

    5. Midpoint formula

    6. Section formula I

    7. Section formula II

    8. m:n formet

  7. Triangle

    1. Similar Triangles

    2. BPT and Converse BPT

    3. Similar triangle and Theorem based problems

    4. Criteria of Similar Triangles

    5. Criteria of Similar Triangles-2

  8. Introduction to Trigonometry

    1. Find the ratio

    2. Find the value

    3. Find the angle

    4. Express in terms of the ratio

    5. Prove tht the given expression

  9. Some applocations of trigonometry

    1. Angle of elevations and depressions

    2. Angle of elevation

    3. Angle of depression

  10. Cirlces

    1. One tangent - angle

    2. One tangent - length

    3. Two tangent - length

    4. Two tangent - angles - 1

    5. Two tangent - angles - 2

    6. Cyclic

  11. Area related to circle

    1. Area of segment

    2. Length and perimeter

    3. Area of sector - 1

    4. Area of sector - 2

    5. Area of sector - 3

    6. Area of shaded region - 1

    7. Area of shaded region - 2

    8. Area of shaded region - 3

  12. Surface area and volume

    1. Surface area - 1

    2. Surface area - 2

    3. Volume - 1

    4. Volume -2

  13. Statistics

    1. Missing frequency

    2. Mean of the data

    3. Mean of the data using step deviation method - 1

    4. Mean of the data using step deviation method - 2

    5. Missing frequency

    6. Median

    7. Mode

    8. Case study

  14. Probability

    1. Probability

    2. Coin

    3. Dice

    4. Defective items

    5. Card

    6. Case Study Problmes

    7. Assertion and Reasoning I

    8. Assertion and Reasoning II