Methodical recommendation:
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | NCERT Exemplar I | Other | medium | 2 m. | This exercise consists of two textbook questions; this question holds two marks. The student has to choose the correct answers, and the questions deal with the importance of acids, bases and salts. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
2. | NCERT Exemplar XIII | Other | medium | 3 m. | This exercise consists of one textbook question; this question holds three marks. The student has to write short answers, and the questions deal with the importance of acids, bases and salts. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
3. | NCERT Exemplar XXIV | Other | medium | 5 m. | This exercise consists of one textbook question; this question holds five marks. The student has to write long answers, and the questions deal with the importance of acids, bases and salts. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |