Rohit and Sonu are close friends. They have some savings in their piggy bank. They decided to count the total coins they both had. After counting they find that they have thirty \(₹ 1\) coins, twenty eight \(₹ 2\) coins, eighteen \(₹5\) coins, fourteen \(₹ 10\) coins and ten \(₹ 20\) coins. Now, they said to Rita, their another friends, to choose a coin randomly. Find the probability that the coin chosen is  
(i) \(₹ 5\) coin 
(ii) \(₹ 20\) coin 
(iii) not a \(₹ 10\) coin 
(iv) of denomination of atleat \(₹ 10\) 
(v) of denomination of atmost \(₹ 5\)