1. Rational numbers

    1. Rational numbers on number line I

    2. Rational numbers on number line II

    3. Rational number between rational numbers I

    4. Rational number between rational numbers II

    5. Addition of rational numbers I

    6. Addition of rational numbers II

    7. Subtraction of rational numbers I

    8. Subtraction of rational numbers II

    9. Multiplication of rational numbers

    10. Division of rational numbers I

    11. Division of rational numbers II

    12. Division of rational numbers III

  2. Perimeter and area

    1. Perimeter and area of square I

    2. Perimeter and area of square II

    3. Perimeter and area of square III

    4. Perimeter and area of rectangle

    5. Perimeter and area of rectangle II

    6. Perimeter and area of rectangle III

    7. Perimeter of a triangle

    8. Area of a triangle

    9. Area of a triangle II

    10. Area of a triangle III

    11. Area of combination shapes

    12. Area of combination shapes II

    13. Perimeter of a parallelogram

    14. Angles of a parallelogram

    15. Sides of a parallelogram

    16. Area of circle

    17. Radius and diameter of a circle using area

    18. Word problems - area of a circle

    19. Circumference of a circle

    20. Radius and diameter of a circle using perimeter

    21. Radius and diameter of a circle using perimeter II

    22. Area of circular pathways

    23. Area of circular pathways II

    24. Total cost - area of pathways

    25. Radius and diameter - area of pathways

  3. Lines and angles

    1. Linear pair

    2. Complementary and suplementary angles

    3. Adjacent angles

    4. Unknown angles

    5. Adjacent angle - striaght line

    6. Adjacent angle - intersecting lines

    7. Transversal lines I

    8. Transversal lines II

    9. Transversal lines III

    10. Parallel lines I

    11. Parallel lines II

    12. Parallel lines III

  4. Exponents and powers

    1. Exponents and powers I

    2. Exponents and powers II

    3. Exponents and powers III

    4. Exponents and powers IV

    5. Exponents and powers V

    6. Exponents and powers VI

    7. Exponents and powers VII

    8. Exponents and powers VIII

  5. Simple equations

    1. Linear equation

    2. Solve the linear equation I

    3. Solve the linear equations II

    4. Solve the linear equation III

    5. Find the unknown number I

    6. Find the unknown number II

    7. Word Problems I

    8. Word Problems II

  6. Triangle and its properties

    1. Median of a triangle I

    2. Median of a triangle II

    3. Median of a triangle III

    4. Median of a triangle IV

    5. Altitude of a triangle I

    6. Altitude of a triangle II

    7. Altitude of a triangle III

    8. Altitude of a triangle IV

    9. Exterior angles of a triangle I

    10. Exterior angles of a triangle II

    11. Exterior angles of a triangle III

    12. Apply angle sum property of a triangle I

    13. Apply angle sum property of a triangle II

    14. Apply angle sum property of a triangle III

    15. Apply angle sum property of a triangle IV

    16. Special triangles I

    17. Special triangles II

    18. Special triangles III

    19. Special triangles IV

    20. Special triangles V

    21. Sides of a triangle I

    22. Sides of a triangle II

    23. Sides of a triangle III

  7. Algebraic expressions

    1. Algebraic expressions

    2. Algebraic exressions II

    3. Monomials I

    4. Monomials II

    5. Terms of an allgebraic expression

    6. Value of an algebraic expression I

    7. Value of an algebraic expressions II

    8. Binomials I

    9. Binomials II

    10. Trinomials

    11. Polynomials

    12. Addition of algebraic exoressions I

    13. Addition of algebraic expressions II

    14. Addition of algebraic expressions III

    15. Addition of algebraic expression IV

    16. Subtraction of algebraic expressions I

    17. Simplify

    18. Solve the algebraic expression

    19. Multiplication of algebraic expressions I

    20. Multiplication of algebraic expressions II

  8. Comparing quantities

    1. Ratio I

    2. Ratio II

    3. Ratio III

    4. Ratio IV

    5. Percentage - Conversion I

    6. Percentage - Conversion II

    7. Percentage I

    8. Percentage II

    9. Percentage III

    10. Percentage IV

    11. Percentage - Application problems I

    12. Percentage - Application problems II

    13. Calculate the Profit Percentage

    14. Calculate the profit percentage II

    15. Calculate the loss percentage

    16. Calculate the loss percentage II

    17. Simple interest I

    18. Simple interest II

    19. Simple interest III

    20. Simple interest IV

    21. Simple interest V

  9. Integers

    1. Addiiton on integers

    2. Subtraction on integers

    3. Multiplication on integers

    4. Dvision on integers

    5. Word Problems - Operations on integers

    6. Properties of integers I

    7. Properties of integers II

    8. Properties of integers III

    9. Solve using properties of integers I

    10. Solve using properties of integers II

  10. Fractions and decimals

    1. Fractions I

    2. Fractions II

    3. Fractions III

    4. Fractions IV

    5. Operation on fraction I

    6. Operation on fraction II

    7. Operation on fraction III

    8. Operation on fraction IV

    9. Decimal numbers I

    10. Decimal numbers II

    11. Decimal numbers III

    12. Decimal numbers IV

    13. Decimal numbers V

    14. Fraction and decimal I

    15. Fraction and decimal II

    16. Operation on decimal numbers I

    17. Operation on decimal numbers II

    18. Operation on decimal numbers III

    19. Operation on decimal numbers IV

    20. Operation on decimal numbers V

  11. Data handling

    1. Arithmetic mean I

    2. Arithmetic Mean II

    3. Arithmetic mean III

    4. Median I

    5. Median II

    6. Median III

    7. Mode I

    8. Mode II

    9. Mode III

    10. Bar graph I

    11. Bar graph II

    12. Sample Space

    13. Probability I

    14. Probability II

    15. Probability III

  12. Symmetry

    1. Symmetry I

    2. Symmetry II

    3. Symmetry III

    4. Symmetry IV

    5. Symmetry V

  13. Visulaizing solid shapes

    1. Name the shapes

    2. Dimension

    3. Solid shapes