1. Number System

    1. Finding rational numbers between two rational numbers

    2. Irraational number on number line

    3. Decimal Expansions

    4. Operations on real numbers

    5. Laws of Exponents for Real numbers

  2. Polynomial

    1. Polynomial in one variable

    2. Zeros of a polynomial

    3. Factorisation of a polynomial

    4. Algebraic Identities- Square Identity

    5. Algebraic Identities - Cubic polynomial

    6. Application Problems

  3. Coordinate Geometry

    1. Coordinate axes

    2. Quadrants

  4. Linear Equation in Two Variable

    1. Linear equation in two variables

    2. Solutions of linear equation in two variable

  5. Introduction to Euclid's Geometry

    1. Euclid's Geometry I

    2. Euclid's Geometry II

    3. Euclid's Geometry III

    4. Euclid's Geometry IV

  6. Lines and Angles

    1. Find the values

    2. Find the angle

    3. Lines and angles

    4. Lines and angles II

    5. Lines and angles III

    6. Lines and angles IV

  7. Triangles

    1. Triangle I

    2. Triangles II

    3. Triangles III

    4. Triangles IV

    5. Triangles V

  8. Quadrilaterals

    1. Determine the shape

    2. Quadrilaterals I

    3. Quadrilaterals II

    4. Find the angle

    5. Quadrialterals III

    6. Quadrilaterals IV

  9. Circle

    1. Circles I

    2. Circles II

    3. Find the angle I

    4. Find the angle II

    5. Cyclic Quadrilateral I

    6. Cyclic Quadrilateral II

    7. Cyclic Quadrilateral III

  10. Heron's Formula

    1. Find the area of the triangle using Heron's formula

    2. Find the area of equilateral triangle

    3. Find the cost

    4. Heron's Formula I

    5. Heron's Formula II

    6. Heron's Formula III

  11. Surface areas and volumes

    1. Surface area of right circular cylinder and cone

    2. Determine the value using the cylinder formula

    3. Find the cost using the cylinder formula

    4. Determine the value using the cone formula

    5. Find the cost using the cylinder formula

    6. Surface area of sphere and Hemisphere

    7. Sphere I

    8. Sphere II

    9. Hemisphere I

    10. Hemisphere II

    11. Volume of right circular cylinder and cone

    12. Volume of Cylinder I

    13. Volume of Cylinder II

    14. Volume of Cylinder III

    15. Volume of Cone I

    16. Volume of Cone II

    17. Volume of Sphere I

    18. Volume of Sphere II

    19. Volume of Hemisphere I

    20. Volume of Hemisphere II

    21. Volume of sphere and Hemisphere

  12. Statistics

    1. Representation of data

    2. Statistics