1. Chemical reaction and equations

    1. Chemical reaction

    2. Balancing chemical equation

    3. Types of chemical reaction

    4. Endothermic, exothermic reaction and rancidity

    5. Combination

    6. Decomposition

    7. Displacement

    8. Redox reaction

  2. Acids, Bases and Salts

    1. Introduction to acids and bases

    2. Indicators and reactions

    3. Properties and behavior of acids and bases

    4. Importance of pH and salts

    5. Water of crystallization and Plaster of Paris

    6. Acids, Bases and Salts

    7. Acids, Bases and Salts

  3. Metals and Non-Metals

    1. Categorisation, properties of metals and non-metals

    2. Chemical properties of Metals

    3. Extraction of metals

    4. Metal Extraction and Refining

    5. Reactivity Series

    6. Ionic compounds and their properties

    7. Corrosion

    8. Formation of metal oxide

  4. Carbon and its compound

    1. Characteristics of hydrocarbons

    2. Classification of organic compounds

    3. Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups

    4. Ethanoic acid

    5. Ethanol

    6. Homologous series and its characteristics

    7. Isomerism and allotropes

    8. IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds

    9. Nomenclature of organic compounds

    10. Properties of carbon compounds

    11. Soaps and detergents

    12. Special features of Carbon

  5. Life Process

    1. Growth and movement

    2. Tropism and metabolism

    3. Nutrition

    4. Photosynthesis and transpiration

    5. Respiration

    6. Transportation

    7. Reproduction

    8. Digestive system

    9. Circulatory system

    10. Excretory system

  6. Control and coordination

    1. Nervous system

    2. Human brain

    3. Structure of neuron

    4. Conduction of nerve impulse

    5. Reflex action and reflex arc

    6. Receptors

    7. Plant hormones

    8. Tropism in plants

    9. Endocrine system

  7. How do organisms reproduce?

    1. Reproduction by spores

    2. Artificial methods of contraception

    3. Asexual reproduction

    4. Feertilisation in plants

    5. Female reproductive system

    6. Female, male accessory organs and glands and secondary sexual characteristics

    7. Male reproductive system

    8. Menstrual cycle

    9. Polination and their types

    10. Reproduction

    11. Reproduction and their types

    12. Reproduction in plants

    13. Reproductive health

    14. Sexual reproduction

    15. Sexual reproduction in plants

    16. Tissue culture

    17. Underground stem propagation

    18. Variation in reproduction

    19. Vegetative propagation and its types

  8. Heredity

    1. Dihybrid experiment

    2. Genetics : In general

    3. Gregor Johann Mendel - Father of genetics

    4. How do traits get expressed

    5. Laws of Mendel

    6. Monohybrid cross

    7. Phenotype and genotype

    8. Sex determination

    9. Variation

  9. Light reflection and refraction

    1. Basics of light and mirror

    2. Spherical mirrors

    3. Applications & image formation by spherical mirrors

    4. Image formation by spherical mirrors

    5. Mirror equation and Refraction basics

    6. Refraction

    7. Refractive index

    8. Image formation by spherical lens

    9. Spherical lenses

    10. Magnification and Power of lens

  10. The human eye and colourful world

    1. Structure of human eye

    2. Defects in eye

    3. Functions of eye

    4. Power of lens

    5. Refraction of light

    6. Refraction of light through glass prism

    7. Scattering of light

    8. Dispersion of light and atmospheric refraction

  11. Electricity

    1. Basics of electricity

    2. Electric current and Potential difference

    3. Basics of electric circuit, current and power

    4. Ohm's law and Resistance calculation

    5. Resistance and current calculation

    6. Resistivity, conductivity and effective resistance

    7. System of resistors

    8. Combination of resistors & Power dissipation

    9. Heating effects, Power and Energy

  12. Magnetic effects of electric current

    1. Introduction to electro magnetism

    2. Magnetic fields

    3. Current carrying conductor

    4. Current carrying circular coil

    5. Solenoid

    6. Force on a current carrying conductor & Domestic circuits

  13. Our environment

    1. Biological magnification

    2. Classification of ecosystems

    3. Components of ecosystem

    4. Energy flow in the ecosystem

    5. Food chain and trophic levels

    6. Ozone depletion

    7. Ozone layer depletion

    8. Waste management

    9. Wastes and classification of wastes