Chemical reaction and equations
Acids, Bases and Salts
Metals and Non-Metals
Carbon and its compound
Characteristics of hydrocarbons
Classification of organic compounds
Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups
Ethanoic acid
Homologous series and its characteristics
Isomerism and allotropes
IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds
Nomenclature of organic compounds
Properties of carbon compounds
Soaps and detergents
Special features of Carbon
Life Process
Control and coordination
How do organisms reproduce?
Reproduction by spores
Artificial methods of contraception
Asexual reproduction
Feertilisation in plants
Female reproductive system
Female, male accessory organs and glands and secondary sexual characteristics
Male reproductive system
Menstrual cycle
Polination and their types
Reproduction and their types
Reproduction in plants
Reproductive health
Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction in plants
Tissue culture
Underground stem propagation
Variation in reproduction
Vegetative propagation and its types
Light reflection and refraction
The human eye and colourful world
Basics of electricity
Electric current and Potential difference
Basics of electric circuit, current and power
Ohm's law and Resistance calculation
Resistance and current calculation
Resistivity, conductivity and effective resistance
System of resistors
Combination of resistors & Power dissipation
Heating effects, Power and Energy
Magnetic effects of electric current
Our environment