1. Matter in our surroundings

    1. Classification & states of matter

    2. Types of state and its characteristics

    3. Temperature scales and Separation of mixture

  2. Is matter around us pure?

    1. Classification of matters

    2. Pure and impure substances

    3. Mixture and compound

    4. Solutions

    5. Colloidal solutions and its properties

    6. Mass percentage

    7. Physical and chemical changes

  3. Atoms and molecules

    1. Atom, molecule and element

    2. Atomic theory

    3. Atomic mass

    4. Atomicity of molecules

    5. Ion and ionization

    6. Law of chemical combination

    7. Law of conservation of mass

    8. Mole concept

    9. Molecular mass

    10. Molecular mass

    11. Symbols of elements

    12. Writing chemical formulae

    13. Valency

  4. Structure of the atom

    1. Thomson's and Rutherford's Model

    2. Bohr's Model

    3. Electronic configuration

    4. Valency

    5. Atomic number

    6. Atomic number and Mass number

    7. Subatomic particles

    8. Isotops, Isobars and isotones

  5. The fundamental unit of life

    1. Discovery of cell

    2. Cell size, shape and number

    3. Types of cells

    4. Plasma membrane and transportation

    5. Components of cell

    6. Cell organelles I

    7. Cell organelles II

  6. Tissues

    1. Classification of tissues

    2. Meristematic and protective tissue

    3. Simple permanent tissue

    4. Complex permannet tissue

    5. Epithelial tissue

    6. Connective tissues

    7. Muscular and nervous tissue

    8. Types of animal tissues

  7. Motion

    1. Types of motion, distance and displacement

    2. Speed and Velocity

    3. Acceleration

    4. Distance-Time and Velocity-Time graphs

    5. Equation of motion

    6. Circular motion

  8. Force and Laws of motion

    1. Introduction to force

    2. Types of force and laws of motion

    3. Law of inertia and momentum

    4. Second law of motion I

    5. Second law of motion II

    6. Third law of motion

    7. Law of conservation of momentum

  9. Gravitation

    1. Law of gravitation

    2. Gravitation force

    3. Free fall

    4. Mass and Weight of the object

    5. Pressure calculation

    6. Floatation of objects

  10. Work and Energy

    1. Basics of work done and problems

    2. Work done - problems

    3. Basics of power

    4. Basics of energy

    5. Different forms of energy

    6. Kinetic and potential energy

  11. Sound

    1. Basics of sound and vibrating objects

    2. Types of wave

    3. Types of wave II

    4. Characteristics of wave

    5. Characteristics of wave II

    6. Property of sound and echo

    7. Reflection of sound

    8. Range of waves

    9. SONAR

    10. SONAR & Structure of human ear

  12. Improvement in food resources

    1. Crop seasons and crop production management

    2. Manure and Fertilisers

    3. Management of nutrients

    4. Irrigation

    5. Cropping patterns and Infestation

    6. Farm management in cattles

    7. Farming of poultry

    8. Production of fish

    9. Apiculture or Bee-keeping