Section B: Give a very short answer to the question given below.
30. Mendel crossed pure tall pea plants (TT) with pure short pea plants (tt) and obtained F1 progeny. When the plants of F1 progeny were self-pollinated, plants of F2 progeny were obtained.

a. What did the plants of F1 progeny look like? Give their gene combination.

b. Why could the gene for shortness not be expressed in plants of F1 progeny?

c. Write the ratio of the plants obtained in F2 progeny and state the conclusion that can be drawn from this experiment.
a. The gene combination found in F1 generation plants is . All plants in the F1 generation are tall due to dominance.
b. In the F1 generation, each individual plant possesses two alleles, with one being for tallness and the other for dwarfism. When a plant is for these alleles, it will exhibit the tall trait since the tall allele is dominant and suppresses the expression of the dwarf allele.
c. When the plants of the F1 generation are self-pollinated, the ratio of the plants obtained in the F2 generation is . This ratio is known as the phenotypic ratio.