Methodical recommendation:
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Ray of light | Other | hard | 4 m. | This exercise contains two NCERT exemplar question and each question holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answers; and the questions deal with reflection and dispersion. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts. |
2. | Position of light | Other | medium | 2 m. | This exercise contains one NCERT exemplar question and it holds two marks. The student has to choose the best answers; and the question deals with laws of reflection. As an outcome of this exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concept. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Laws of reflection | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | Exercise based on laws of reflection and optical devices. |
2. | Light - Relate the terms | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 3 m. | Contains some important terms in the concept light. |