1. Crop Production & Management

    1. Crop seasons and Production

    2. Land, fertilizers and manures

    3. Irrigation and weeding

    4. Harvesting and storage

  2. Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

    1. Different types of microbes

    2. Bacteria, Algae and Fungi

    3. Applications of microbes

    4. Food preservation

    5. Nitrogen fixation

    6. Diseases by microbes

    7. Vector borne and STD's

    8. Diseases in animals, plants and Antibiotics

    9. Immunisation

  3. Coal and petroleum

    1. Man-made and natural resources

    2. Formation of fossil fuels

    3. Uses of coal

    4. Petroleum

    5. Natural gas

  4. Combustion and flame

    1. Fire and combustion

    2. Kinds of combustion

    3. Different kinds of combustion

    4. Efficiency of fuel

    5. Classes of fire

  5. Conservation of plants and animals

    1. Deforestation

    2. Deforestation - Effects

    3. Biosphere reserve

    4. Sanctuary and Parks

    5. Endangered and extinct organisms

    6. Migration and red book

    7. Reforestation

  6. Reproduction in animals

    1. Reproduction

    2. Reproductive organs

    3. Fertilisation and embryo development

    4. Viviparous and Oviparous animals

    5. Metamorphosis

    6. Asexual reproduction

    7. Cloning

  7. Reaching the age of adolescence

    1. Adolescence and Puberty

    2. Changes during puberty

    3. Sexual characteristics and hormone

    4. Hormones and Reproductive phase

    5. Sex determination

    6. Endocrine hormones

    7. Factors influencing reproductive health

  8. Force and pressure

    1. Force - Introduction

    2. Effects of force

    3. Results of force

    4. Contact & non-contact force

    5. Magnets & Pressure

    6. Nature of pressure

    7. Atmospheric pressure

  9. Friction

    1. Nature of friction

    2. Types of friction

    3. Aspects of friction

    4. Aspects of friction in different cases

    5. Rolling friction

  10. Sound

    1. Basics of sound

    2. Propagation of sound

    3. Amplitude and frequency

    4. Time period and characters of sound

    5. Characteristics of sound

    6. Audible and inaudible sounds

    7. Music and noise

  11. Chemical effects of electric current

    1. Conductivity of liquids

    2. Conductivity by liquids and Conductors

    3. Conductors & magnetic deflection

    4. Evolution of gas and changes in colour

    5. Electroplating process

  12. Some natural phenomena

    1. Natural phenomena - Introduction

    2. Charged objects

    3. Transfer of charges and lightning

    4. Lightning and earthquake

    5. Seismograph

  13. Light

    1. Introduction to light

    2. Image formation

    3. Ray of light

    4. Principle of multiple reflection

    5. Structure of human eye

    6. Functioning of eye

    7. Protection of eyes and Braille system