Methodical recommendation:
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Introduction: Microorganisms | 1st type - receptive | easy | 3 m. | Choose the best answer based on the microorganisms and their characteristic features. |
2. | Types of microorganisms | 1st type - receptive | easy | 2 m. | Choose the correct answer exercise based on the topic of types of microorganisms. |
3. | Discovery, size and its characteristic features of virus | 1st type - receptive | easy | 4 m. | Drag and drop the exercise to test the knowledge on the discovery, size and its characteristic features of virus. |
4. | Types of virus | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | Drag and drop exercise based on the different types of virus, living and non living characteristic features of virus. |
5. | Unicellular and multicellular organisms | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4.5 m. | From the set of options given, find the unicellular and multicellular microorganisms. |