Methodical recommendation:

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Air borne diseases caused by virus 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Match the column I with column II exercise based on the topic of airborne disaeses caused by bacteria.
2. Characteristics and nature of the microorganisms 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Answer the given questions based on the characteristics and nature of the microorganisms.
3. Infectious diseases 2nd type - interpretation medium 5.5 m. Choose the proper answers based on disease causing microorganisms and dieases that can be transmitted from one person to another.
4. Diseases caused in animals, plants and human by microorgnisms 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. Choose the name of the diseases caused in animals, plants and human by microorgnisms.
5. Diseases and its pathogen 2nd type - interpretation medium 4.5 m. A drag and drop exercise based on the causative organisms and disease.
6. Airborne diseases caused by bacteria and virus 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. Choose the best answer from the topic of airborne diseases caused by bacteria and virus.