A block is kept on a tabletop. The mass of the block is 26 kg, and its dimensions are \(40\) \(cm\) \(×\) \(20\) \(cm\) \(×\) \(10\) \(cm\). Find the pressure exerted by the wooden block on the tabletop if made to lie on the tabletop with its sides of dimensions
(a) \(20\) \(cm\) \(×\) \(10\) \(cm\)
(b) \(40\) \(cm\) \(×\) \(20\) \(cm\).
(Take \(g\) \(=\) \(10\) m/s2)
a. The pressure exerted by the block is N/m2
b. The pressure exerted by the block is N/m2
Note: Enter your answer with 2 decimal digits.