Methodical recommendation:
Textbook Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Types of cattle breed | Other | easy | 2 m. | This exercise consists of two textbook questions; each question holds one mark. The student has multiple choice questions dealing with cattle husbandry and Indian cattle. The student will learn about the mentioned concepts as an outcome of the exercise. |
2. | Types of animal feed | Other | hard | 5 m. | This exercise consists of only one textbook question, which holds five marks. It is a long answer question that is converted to drag and drop and deals with types of animal feed. The student will learn about the mentioned concept as an outcome of the exercise. |
3. | Benefits of cattle farming | Other | medium | 3 m. | An intext exercise consists of only one textbook question, and the question holds three marks. It is a short answer question converted to a drag-and-drop answer and deals with the benefits of cattle farming. The student will learn about the mentioned concept as an outcome of the exercise. |
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Examples of concentrate feeds to cattles | Other | easy | 2 m. | A drag and drop exercise on examples of concentrate feeds to cattles. |
2. | Cattle farming | Other | medium | 5 m. | A drag and drop exercise based on cattle farming. |