Methodical recommendation:
Practice Questions
Number | Name | Type | Difficulty | Marks | Description |
1. | Solve the problems using distributive property | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | Use all types of distributive property and answer the questions in the boxes provided. |
2. | Find the product of numbers, using suitable properties. | 2nd type - interpretation | medium | 4 m. | Try to apply the properties of integers and find the product value in easier way. |
3. | Calculate the answer using properties of integers. | 2nd type - interpretation | hard | 4 m. | Read the given information about the problem properly and answer each question step by step. |
4. | Determine the answers based on properties of integers | Other | hard | 5 m. | Use the suitable property and write the answer along with the sign of the integer. |