Methodical recommendation:

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Stages of Mendel's experiments in monohybrid cross and process of emasculation Other medium 2 m. Choose the correct answer taken from the different stages of Mendel's experiments in monohybrid cross and process of emasculation.
2. Difference between mono and dihybrid Other medium 2 m. A drag and drop exercise to test the knowledge on the difference between mono and dihybrid.
3. Monohybrid experiment and Punnett square Other medium 5 m. Choose the best answer exercise from the monohybrid experiment and Punnett square.

Exam questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. SecC.q30a.2024 - Monohybrid cross Other medium 3 m. This exercise consists of one key question for school exam preparation; which carries three marks. The student has short answer type questions from section 'C' about monohybrid cross. As an outcome of the exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.
2. SecA.q10.2023 - Dominant and inherited trait Other easy 1 m. This exercise consists of one key question for school exam preparation; which carries one mark. The student has multiple-choice questions from section 'A' about dominant and inherited trait. As an outcome of the exercise, the student will learn about the mentioned concepts.